The SCBP doula program

The word Doula refers to a supportive companion (not a friend or loved one) experienced in attending childbirth and trained to provide continuous emotional and physical support during labour. Evidence suggests that doula support can have enormous benefits for the pregnant person, newborn, and family. There have been many studies and several randomized trials confirming the benefits of the presence of a doula. People randomized to receive doula support also reported higher self-esteem and stronger feelings of attachment to their newborn six weeks after birth than people who did not receive doula support.

  • Emotional support: Encouragement and reassurance throughout the labour and birth
  • Physical support: Massage, warm compresss, and other comfort measures. It can also include non-pharmaceutical forms of pain management such as position changes, relaxation exercises, massage, breathing techniques and the use of a TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit
  • Informational support: Assisting a pregnant person in understanding their options during labour and providing language translation when necessary. The doula does not offer medical advice
  • Partner support: Role modeling and providing reassurance and encouragement for partner or support people. The doula allows partner or support people to participate in the labour and birth at their own comfort level

The type of support provided by the doula is based on individual preferences and is usually discussed with the pregnant person and partner prenatally. An important element of the doula’s role is the continuity of care that they provide by remaining with the pregnant person throughout their labour and birth.

Training: All doulas on the SCBP Team have attended an Approved Birth Doula Training and completed our SCBP doula orientation. Upon joining our team, doulas are required to sign a standard of practice form and a confidentiality agreement. New team members undergo a program-specific orientation to SCBP collaborative practice and receive in person mentorship from senior team members.

What to Expect: Around the 32nd week of your pregnancy you will be given a doula preference form to fill out. The director of the doula program looks at a variety of factors when assigning your doula to you.

Language preference: If you speak a language other than English at home or would appreciate a doula who is culturally sensitive to your individual needs, the doula coordinator will take this into consideration.

Preferences: If you have any preferences or considerations just as the doulas background, age or if you would like your doula to be of a similar faith, please note that on your form. Your doula will never bring their beliefs or faith into your experience; their goal is to support you with your wishes.

When will you meet your doula and what to expect: Your assigned doula will contact you via the number provided on your preference form around 35th weeks of your pregnancy. At that time a prenatal visit will be arranged.

  • You will have one virtual prenatal visit with your doula.
  • Your doula will be on call for you 24/7
  • Notify your doula when labour begins and do not go to the hospital before alerting your doula and the emergency line.
  • Will offer you and your support person guidance via telephone when your labour starts to get progressive.
  • Your doula will join you in labour when you are getting admitted to the hospital.
  • Once at the hospital, the doula will stay with you continuously until your baby is born, and then usually an hour or so after the birth.
  • You can expect one virtual postpartum visit from your doula within two weeks of being home.

Back up: The doulas on the team back each other up; if it happens your doula needs a backup (for a variety of reasons) they will brief the back up regarding your personal wishes. Statistically you will have the doula you met prenatally the majority of the time.

Doula Fee

Over the past many years, we’ve been fortunate to receive longstanding funding from BC Women’s Hospital, which has greatly helped subsidize our doula program. As of January 1st, 2024 this funding has come to an end. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to BC Women’s Hospital for their unwavering support over many years.

Due to this change, we are transitioning from a donation-based model to a fee-based structure for our doula services.

This doesn’t mean an end to subsidies for South’s doula program. Our Charitable Foundation – Vancouver Community Birth Foundation – will continue to support eligible families in care with us by offering full support for doula services, or an opportunity to request partial subsidy based on access to resources.

Since our inception, our commitment has been to ensure that every family in our care desiring the assistance of a doula receives it. Private doula services in the Vancouver area typically come with fees ranging from $1,500 to $2,000+, placing them financially out of reach for many families under our care. At SCBP, we strongly believe that all families should have access to this invaluable support.

In creating our new fee-based structure, we’ve drawn inspiration from some of our favorite sliding scale models to help families adjust payments based on their access to resources. Families with EDDs of March 1st onwards will be asked to register for the doula program, declare their family category, and specify the fee they will be paying. This adjustment is designed to ensure that families who seek the support of a doula can access it in a way that aligns with their access to resources. Families in care with us can continue to access our doula program but at a much lower rate than hiring a doula privately in Vancouver.

If you feel inspired and have the capacity to donate to help a family at SCBP with less access to resources benefit from doula care, please visit Vancouver Community Birth Foundation through the SCBP website:

Increasing our new fee-based structure, we’ve drawn inspiration from some of our favorite sliding scale models to help families adjust payments based on their access to resources. **PLEASE BE SURE WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR PAYMENT BY 33 WEEKS OF YOUR PREGNANCY**

FEE $1000 - $750

  • Own your home, rent higher end property, or have investments.
  • Have retirement accounts or inherited money.
  • Travel for recreation.
  • Have access to family resources in times of need.
  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to education level, gender & racial privilege, class background, etc.
  • Are employed or don’t need to be employed.
  • Have access to financial savings.
  • Can afford an annual vacation.
  • Have expendable income.


  • Have some expendable income.
  • May have access to savings.
  • Take a vacation every year or every few years without financial burden.
  • May occasionally stress about needs but regularly meet them.
  • Have some debt but it does not interfere with attainment of basic needs.
  • Have some financial burden due to caring for relatives.

The SCBP doula team
A diverse and dedicated group passionate about supporting birthing people through labour
Learn More

SCBP doula training

SCBP doulas have attended DONA International (Doulas of North America) approved birth training taught by our doula program coordinator, Jalana Grant. DONA is recognized internationally as the oldest and largest doula association whose founders are responsible for the first doula studies. Information about doulas and the results of the studies can be found in the DONA Birth Doula Position Paper. Information about locating DONA Approved Birth Doula Training is available on the DONA website.

The SCBP doula coordinator

Jalana Grant (she/her) has been with the program since its inception. Jalana has been involved with doula work in one way or another since 1983 when she attended her first birth. She is a Certified Doula with DONA International as well as a DONA Approved Birth Doula Trainer. Jalana was one of the first to receive the Advanced Doula Designation awarded to doulas who have made a major contribution to the promotion and advancement of the mission and purpose of DONA International, the doula profession and in the maternal-child field.She has trained doulas through DONA International and through the Provincial Aboriginal Doula Training Program. Jalana was a founding member of the Provincial doula association, Doula Services Association (DSA) and represented Western Canada on the DONA International Board of Directors for 9 years. She is also a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and taught prenatal classes in the Vancouver area since 1989. In addition to her role as a Doula Coordinator, Jalana also co-facilitates the SCBP Connecting Pregnancy groups.