The SCBP doula team
The SCBP doulas come from a variety of different backgrounds, including midwives and healthcare professionals in their home countries. Some are also full-time parents, school teachers, professional translators, massage therapists, home care providers, and yoga instructors to name a few. You meet your doula once in pregnancy, usually around 35 weeks, and she is present throughout your labour and birth. The doula is in contact with the midwife or doctor-on-call, and will admit you to the hospital when your labour is active or when you feel ready. We all view the doulas as an integral part of our team at SCBP. Some of our doulas have attended more than 1,000 births and have been a part of our team since we opened in 2004.
List of current languages spoken by the doulas:
Our international doulas
We make every effort to match you with a doula who speaks your first language. Many of our doulas are immigrants to Canada and all of our doulas are committed to working with new immigrants in many different capacities. In addition to English, our doulas currently speak Arabic, Spanish, Czech, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Japanese, Ukrainian, Russian and French.
South Community doula program mentors
After their weekend Doula training workshop, SCBP doulas participate in our mentorship program with experienced DONA certified doulas. Once their mentorship program is completed, usually after 3-5 births, they are assigned clients in SCBP. The mentor’s role is crucial in helping new doulas to learn the art of labour support and navigate the hospital system. We were fortunate in the early days of SCBP that some very experienced doulas became mentors for the newly trained doulas in our program. Some of our early mentors continue to take provide doula care at SCBP, while some of those new doulas have now turned into mentors as well!